I couldn't tell you how the movie ends, because unlike the first one, I really cannot recall if I actually watched the entire thing. It was most likely a few years later on television that I watched it. The first one I saw fairly soon after, but not the second. I probably did get through it all and it just wasn't memorable enough for me, but I know this one scene struck a cord. Vada discovers that her mother, before marriage to her dad, was a fairly high spirited, charismatic, and talented individual. A lot of this information is recovered through stories from her Uncle, old home-made movies, articles and postings on her acting. Vada was very impressed, but also a little saddened. Did marrying her dad mean the sacrifice of a great career?
(Gotta tell ya, my creative imagination may be filling in some blanks here)
So it was this little part of the movie (I'm sure still cute) that made me think about keeping track of all my artistic accomplishments. It didn't really dawn on me at the time of watching it but I do think about it every time I frame and hang something in my office.
I sit here today and I look around at the framed photos of my book covers. (Even the third one which I have not released yet) Some of my published short stories, my articles for non-profits, the cover of an anthology I contributed a story too, my dissertation. There are framed shots from my first book launch and the profile piece that was written on me and my book. I have three graduate diplomas on my wall. Two drawings from my school years in Graphic design. I have two portfolios, a large one and a smaller binder that is more easier to carry around.
I know the facts: I'm not a best selling author and I never made any head way in a long ago attempt to build a career in Graphic Design. But I'm proud of what I've done and I smile at these things around me, knowing that, in time, I'll only be adding or changing to better accomplishments. As I continue to look, I also begin to realize all the things in between.
I've fulfilled the things Vada was searching for from her mom. You can tell some of the big things I've done just by entering my office. Nothing is hidden, things are not stored away. But I've also accomplished, and continue to accomplish, what Vada's Uncle told to her after her questioning the dramatic change from the charismatic actress to the pregnant mom.
I have quite a few books on my self that have not only given me joy to read, but have fueled my imagination. Some of these books are from my childhood (The Hardy Boys and the Famous Five) and bring great memories. Some have led to great conversations and offered inspiration. I look at my self and I immediately think of one that has led to friendship. I look further and see the photos of family and friends. I see a box were I have all my comic books that were collected and discussed when I was in my mid teens. On my window sill sits a model airplane I put together when I was a kid. I have an enlarged photo of my dad when he worked in insurance, standing at a table with a bunch of toy trucks, about to make a presentation to a group of kids.
These things, and much more, are accomplishments as well. Ultimately, and kinda sadly, not the first things that always come to mind when we hear the word "accomplishment", but perhaps the most important.
I think we should all have two lists that boast our accomplishment. The resume we're all used to throwing around that shows off our education and work experience, maybe even our volunteer duties, and one that fills our soul. My writing, my work and my volunteering do do that, but I could also add:
Being a son to wonderful parents
Getting along with my sibling
Being a fun Uncle
Reading a book to a child
Writing a letter or sending an email that makes someone smile
Writing a blog post and sharing it
The definition of Accomplishment: anything accomplished; deed; achievement: a career measured in a series of small accomplishments. But let's not forget to add: fulfillment: the accomplishment of our desires. And I'd like to propose: the enjoyment of our soul when shared with others; by any means.
I think the point the movie was trying to convey to us (or at least that one little scene I remember) that it was having a good marriage and giving birth to Vada that was her mom's proudest moment and best accomplishment; not those other things.
So we should keep track and be proud of those resume accomplishments, but we should also not forget about those soul-filling ones either.