As a quiet, yet understanding individual, I can see the multi layers of being silent. It can be golden, tranquil, peaceful, serene; but also dark, mischievous and misapprehended. I have been chastised for being silent yet also applauded for holding my tongue and choosing my words wisely. Because of a disability I find verbal communication often difficult in group settings, or at times even one on one. It can, on the occasion, take me a bit longer to understand what is being said, which is kind of ironic because it is my silence that often has people misunderstanding me.
There are times a lot can be said with very little meaning whereas silence can sometimes mean more than words. The absence of sound can lead to awkward moments but it can also be quite comfortable. Most often, I think, the former is a result of fear or a feeling of insecurity. True enough the wordlessness of a person can mean that he or she is thinking no good thoughts and/or planning something misguided; but that really is something quite different... something wrong. Avoidance and secrecy may be considered silence, but it is more, it is trouble, and that can mean something that really is not silent at all.
Don't misinterpret what I am saying, communication amongst people is important, but there is a time when silence is too. Not speaking can lead to work getting done, ideas being created, emotions being fulfilled. Being able to close your eyes, breathe in and out, relax without words bogging down your mind.... that is the truest from of silence. Yet, we do not need to go that far to reach the peace I mentioned earlier.
As a writer I tend to like the absence of speech so that I can concentrate on what I am doing, though this can also apply to other aspects of my life as well.
Another side to quietude can also be about issues of isolation, depression and heartache; not dumbness or a lack of caring. It can seem to outside individuals that nothing is being said, but inside someone's head it is a whole different ballgame. That is why silence from one person should never be allowed to lead another to start making assumptions.
I think a little silence is healthy (a good quiet hug, even when hugging and accepting yourself, can heal) and it should balance with the words of a conversation; after all, life for the most part, is about balance.